Report from Incense Making Workshops
Hello Incense Lovers!
Lately, we receive a lot of applications for incense making workshops!
We are very happy that the number of people interested in Japanese incense is constantly growing!
When you are making the incense yourself, you are able to create your own compounding and you can feel more attached to the aroma.
Our guest, who attended the workshop on Monday, was very skillful at making the shapes. We were impressed!

Here you can see the incense sticks, oils, cones and kneaded incense made during the workshop.
We were very happy to hear the positive feedback from our attendees!
On Tuesday, there were two attendees who are getting along very well, who created a very peaceful atmosphere.

The incenses were made while talking about many different topics, but when it came to making the shapes, they were very focused on their task.
This is how the unique in shape and expressing the personalities incenses came into existence.
If you are interested in Japan, Japanese incense and the culture we invite you to contact us to apply for incense making workshops.
You can apply by sending an e-mail to:
We are waiting for you at Kohgen stores in Japan!